The Walking Dead: The Final Season EPISODE 3: Broken Toys Walkthrough + ENDING | 【XCV//】
The Walking Dead: The Final Season Episode 3: Broken Toys Walkthrough, Gameplay, and Ending with 100% Collectables Guide. Season 4 of The Walking Dead Skybound (previously Telltale Games) no commentary Let's Play with all collectibles of this third episode and the majority of the trophies/achievements. Expand the description for more information. The Walking Dead: The Final Season Episode 3 ALL ENDINGS ► • The Walking Dead: The Final Season EP... ► Act One - 0:00 5:13 - School Pennant (1/6) 5:40 - Sketch Pad (2/6) 17:14 - Horseshoe (3/6) 17:35 - Rabbit's foot (4/6) 39:04 - Windchime (5/6) 39:50 - Beet Nick (6/6) ► Act Two - 49:59 ► Act Three - 1:19:15 If you need help unlocking the trophies/achievements, click here for the trophy guide ► https://www.agoxen.com/the-walking-de... There are a lot of missable achievements, so it's worth planning out a playthrough so you can save time. ● SHOP - my Amazon Store (affiliate) // ↳ https://www.amazon.com/shop/xcv (as an amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases) ——————————————— ★ Thanks for watching and your support! ★ (like 👍~comment~subscribe) ——————————————— The Walking Dead: The Final Season (Season 4) Description: Clementine, now a fierce and capable survivor, has reached the final chapter in her journey. In this gripping, emotional final season, you will define your relationships, fight the undead, and determine how Clementine's story ends. Developer: Skybound Games Publisher: Skybound Games Series: The Walking Dead Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch Genre: Graphic adventure