Nani Teri Morni | नानी तेरी मोरनी | Nani Teri Morni Ko Mor Le Gaye | Hindi Rhyme By Jingle Toons

Nani Teri Morni | नानी तेरी मोरनी | Nani Teri Morni Ko Mor Le Gaye | Hindi Rhyme By Jingle Toons

Who does not like riding a horse?? All the kids like to ride the horse very much. They dream a great powerful horse takes his siblings with him into a dream world on singing & rhyme tune of tip-tap horse ... flying in the sky. Lakdi Ki Kathi Kathi Pe Ghoda (लकड़ी की काठी) is a very famous kids song from film 'Massom' which was released in 1960. Other must-watch Songs by Jingle Toons: Nani Teri Morni     • Hindi : Nani Teri Morn...   Chanda Mama ruthe ho kyu     • Chandamama Ruthe Ho Ky...   Chuk Chuk Rail Gadi     • Chuk Chuk Rail Gadi | ...   Other must-watch Stories Jingle Toons: Murkh Lomad     • Murkh Lomad(मुर्ख लोमड़...   Darpok Patthar | डरपोक पत्थर     • डरपोक पत्थर | Darpok P...   Naai ki Murkhta | नाई की मूर्खता     • नाई की मूर्खता | Naai ...   For More Rhymes please visit at: Download Jingle Toons Android App Concept & Direction: Sandeep Pathak Original Music Track Film Masoom Children Songs by Gulzar #lakdikikathisong #hindirhymes #kathipeghoda