DIY Macrame snowflake. DIY snowflake. Macrame Christmas ornaments. Macrame tutorial
I love how the light gets through this snowflake. It will look good on the Christmas tree or in the window :) I used my pins to make small loops as I found them much easier and faster. If you enjoy my videos and want to make more stuff together, please subscribe , so you don't miss out 😃 / @meroputalibydita To create this snowflake you will need the following: 12 x 100cm 2mm cord glue, for a finishing touch a little bit of time and a drop of love Description: with a larks head knot add 11 cords (folded in half) to the one folded as is shown in the video with every 4 cords make 1 square knot. half hitch (hh), loop double hh, loop - make 3 loops one square knot 9 hh changing the sides after each knot connect two ends 2 hh on one side and 2 hh from another side cut the leftover cords and secure the tiny ends with the glue. First time writing a description and I feel it's so much harder than making the whole snowflake :D #diy #macrame #christmas #macrametutorial #decoration #diychristmasdecoration #joulu #sisustus #joulukoriste #mezglosana #meroputalicreatedbydita #snowflake #winter #christmasdecor #joululahja #beautiful #love #teeitse #macrameornaments #macramelove Music credit: Jingle Bells Calm by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/