AsianJeff WINS FNCS Opens with SypherPK 🏆
AsianJeff WINS FNCS Opens with SypherPK 🏆 Hey guys in this video you will see me W key the FIRST Major 3 opens of FNCS with SypherPK! If you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE as well as clicking that notification bell! Enjoy the video! 👑 THANKS FOR WATCHING! LIKES, COMMENTS, & SHARES ARE APPRECIATED! Don't forget to LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE 🍚 📱 Instagram: / realasianjeff 🐦Twitter: / asianjeff 📺 Twitch: / asianjeff Creatives: 🎞️ Editor: / cmillsfn 🎨 Designer: / sense1dzn 🖥️ Channel Manager: 🐦Twitter: / cmillsfn 📷 Instagram: / connoramiller 🎮 Twitch: / cmillsfn http://freelabhq.org Business Inquiries: [email protected] Tags: asianjeff,asianjeff fortnite,asianjeff settings,asianjeff fortnite montage,asianjeff funny,asianjeff highlights,asianjeff vs clix,asianjeff montage,asianjeff boxfight,asianjeff box fight,asianjeff fncs,asianjeff clix,clix vs asianjeff,asianjeff cash cup,asianjeff boxfights,asianjeff top 50 clips,asianjeff clix boxfights,asianjeff cashcup,asianjeff 50 greatest clips,asianjeff fortnite highlights,asianjeff vs vex,asianjeff tweets #fortnitemontage #fortnitehighlights #chapter4