Canadian Trying The Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwich For The First Time!

Canadian Trying The Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwich For The First Time!

Hello Foodie Friends! Today I'm in LA California. Being from Canada I could not pass up the chance at trying Chick-Fil-A, so today I try their chicken sandwich for the first time ever! Is it the best chicken sandwich? Let's find out!! Hope you enjoy! Check out our Patreon Here!   / nerdynewfie   Become a Member Here!    / @nerdynewfie   T-Shirts Available Here! https://my-store-bdeb37.creator-sprin... Check us out on Tik Tok!   / nerdynewfie6   If you liked the video consider SUBSCRIBING to our channel!    / nerdynewfie.  . Check out our Facebook page!   / nerdynewfie   Thanks for watching, Stay Nerdy & Have a Great Day! #chickensandwich #chickfila #firsttimetrying