How to Delete Telegram Account (Permanently)
Learn how to delete Telegram account permanently in this step-by-step tutorial. Delete Telegram account page - https://my.telegram.org/ Here's how to delete your Telegram account permanently: 1. Go to the above Delete Telegram Account page. 2. Enter your Telegram phone number along with your country code & tap on Next. 3. A confirmation code will be sent on your Telegram app. Copy it from the app and paste it here. Then tap on Sign in. 4. Then tap Delete account option. 5. Scroll down and tap on Delete My Account. This will permanently delete your Telegram account and you'll lose access to it. So make sure you're okay with it before doing this. 6. It will give you a final warning. Then tap on Yes, delete my account. After doing this, your Telegram account will be permanently deleted. I hope this video added a little value. Thanks for watching and have a nice day!