Grand Theft Auto 3 - 100% | #3 | PS5 Pro | 4K HDR 60FPS
Welcome to the 3rd part of my 'Grand Theft Auto 3 - 100%' walkthrough, where I continue the journey towards obtaining '100%' completion and all 29 trophies available to unlock. This is also the 54th part of my 'Road to 100' series. In this video, I complete Luigi's 4th mission, 'Drive Misty for Me', and collect 30 out of 100 'Hidden Packages' in 'Portland, Liberty City', a side activity required for '100%' completion. I also complete Luigi's 5th mission, 'Pump-Action Pimp', and 'Vigilante' in 'Portland', a side activity required for '100%' completion. 'Vigilante' demands that you kill 20 criminals in a law enforcement vehicle on each of the 3 islands in 'Liberty City'. However, we currently do not have access to 'Staunton Island' or 'Shoreside Vale', which is why 'Vigilante' in 'Portland' is only completed. Gameplay is captured from 'Grand Theft Auto III - The Definitive Edition' in 4K HDR at 60FPS on my PlayStation 5 Pro. Thanks for watching, every single view, like, comment, or subscribe received on this video is much appreciated. Enjoy. Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:16 'Drive Misty for Me' - Story Mission 2:10 Hidden Packages (1-10) - Portland (Side Activity) 3:32 Hidden Packages (11-20) - Portland (Side Activity) 5:10 Hidden Packages (21-30) - Portland (Side Activity) 8:08 'Pump-Action Pimp' - Story Mission 10:38 'Vigilante' - Portland (Side Activity)