PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, SHARE AND HT THE NOTIFICATION BELL TO BE UPDATED WITH MY NEW VIDEOS NOVENA FOR DIFFICULT TIMES - DAY 7 In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Father in Heaven, thank You for the witness of the saints who show us how to live a faithful life despite its imperfections and pains. We seek their intercession now to help us through this difficult time. Only You know exactly what I need to get through this. Show me the way. Come, Holy Spirit, and guide me. St. Joseph, patron saint of a happy and holy death, please pray for those who are nearing death. Pray for those who have passed away. Please ask God to grant them all eternal rest. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, patron saint of grief, please pray for all who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Pray for me. Please especially pray for (mention your intentions here)... Amen. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. My YouTube Channel: / @arlynhartley1 Here are some of my Vlogs: • PRAYER TO THE HOLY CHILD JESUS | ARLY... : Prayer to the Child Jesus • Daily Consecration to the Sacred Hear... : Daily Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary • CORONA VIRUS PRAYER TO MARY BY POPE... : Pope Francis' Prayer to Mary During COVID • PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY | ARLYN HARTLEY : Prayer for the Family • PRAYER FOR HEALTH AND SOLIDARITY | AR... : Prayer for Health and Solidarity • PRAYER FOR UNBORN BABIES | ARLYN HARTLEY : Prayer for Unborn Babies • PRAYER TO THE STO NIÑO | ARLYN HARTLEY : Prayer to the Sto. Niño • MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA (ever... : Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help • Prayer to Saint Pedro Calungsod | ARL... : Prayer to San Pedro Calungsod • INVOCATIONS TO JESUS MASTER | ARLYN H... : Invocations to Jesus Master • PRAYER TO SAINT JOSEPH | ARLYN HARTLEY : Prayer to St. Joseph • Prayer of a Mother and Wife ( A Beaut... : Prayer of a Mother and Wife • PRAYER TO SAINT MICHAEL | ARLYN HARTLEY : Prayer to St. Michael • PRAYER TO ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL F... : Prayer to St. Gabriel • PRAYER TO ST. RAPHAEL | ARLYN HARTLEY : Prayer to St. Raphael • PRAYER FOR PROTECTION | ARLYN HARTLEY : Prayer for Protection and a lot, lot more. Please check my channel on : / @arlynhartley1 ( Arlyn Hartley) I also have novena prayers to the Sto. Niño, Black Nazarene, Our Lady of Fatima, San Roque (St. Roch), Divine Mercy, Novena to the Holy Spirit, St. Anthony of PAdua, Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Novena for Difficult Times, Novena to Our Lady of Manaoag, Novena to St. Lorenzo, Ruiz, Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes and more prayers. Check out my channel to be able to see more of my videos. Thank you. (There's more to watch)