Drink Just One Cup a Day to Lower Blood Pressure | Hibiscus Tea
Today I want to discuss a simple remedy for high blood pressure. Hibiscus tea is an excellent natural remedy for high blood pressure that has practically no side effects. In this video, we'll explore how this vibrant, tangy tea can help naturally lower high blood pressure. Packed with antioxidants, hibiscus tea has been shown to have a diuretic effect, flushing excess sodium and fluid from the body. Its ability to relax blood vessels can also improve circulation and alleviate hypertension. Whether you're looking to manage your blood pressure or simply enjoy a delicious, healthful beverage, hibiscus tea is a fantastic choice. We'll share tips on how to brew the perfect cup and discuss other potential benefits like weight loss support. Don't miss out on the power of this incredible herbal tea - give it a try today! Let us know what you think in the comments below and be sure to share this video if you found it helpful. #HibiscusTea #BloodPressure #HealthBenefits #Lowerbloodpressure 每天喝一杯即可降低血壓|芙蓉茶 There is English and Chinese Captions you can choose in the Setting of the video. 影片中有中文字幕可以選擇 Data: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31943... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17315... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25875... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23333... ❤︎ FAVORITES & RECOMMENDATIONS ❤︎ (我的最愛和推薦) Organic Hibiscus Flowers Herbal Tea (WHOLE PETALS), Caffeine Free https://amzn.to/4bc8eNH *Red Light Therapy I Use (Red Therapy Co.): Get $100 OFF using my code (SUNNY) 紅光療法 https://redtherapy.co/?rfsn=7912787.b... *My Health Blogs & Essentials https://sunnyandhealthy.com OUTLINE: 00:00:00 Introduction to Hibiscus Tea 00:00:46 The Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea & Lowering Blood Pressure 00:02:14 Evidence Supporting Hibiscus Tea 00:03:14 Additional Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea 00:04:01 Incorporating Hibiscus Tea into Daily Routine 00:05:05 Potential Medication Interaction DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this channel is general. The words and other content provided on this channel and linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. Please consult your medical doctor with any of your medical concerns. Links included in the description may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a few cents if you click through and make a purchase. This is at no additional cost to you. I will only recommend products that I personally like. Thank you to those who use these links to support my channel. SUBSCRIBE (訂閱) : / @naturalhealthremedy6 ► Turn on notifications for new videos (請點鈴鐘可以看到新影片) ►Connect with Me: (跟我聯繫) Instagram: / naturalhealthremedy Facebook: / natural-connection-114818586912728 ►WATCH MORE VIDEOS! (看更多我的影片!) Lower Blood Pressure with These Top 8 Foods | Health Benefits 自然降血壓的 8 種食物和健康益處 • Lower Blood Pressure with These Top 8... Red Light Therapy Secrets Revealed! 紅光療法的秘密揭曉 • Watch This BEFORE Buying a Red Light ... Boost Testosterone Naturally: Vital Tips You Need 如何用天然方法增加男性荷爾蒙 • Boost Testosterone Naturally: Vital T... Top 10 Anti-aging Foods You Need In Your Diet (2024) 飲食中不可少的十大抗老食物 • Top 10 Anti-aging Foods You Need In Y... How to Boost Energy Naturally: 5 Tips to Beat Fatigue (2024) 如何天然補充能量-戰勝疲勞的 5 個秘訣 • How to Boost Energy Naturally: 5 Tips... HOW TO MAKE EASY HEALTHY STEAMED EGGS & HEALTH BENEFITS | 如何做滑嫩簡單健康蒸蛋和健康益處 • HOW TO MAKE EASY HEALTHY STEAMED EGGS... Secrets to Quickly Removing Blackheads (2024) 如何快速去除黑頭粉刺並縮小毛細孔 • Secrets to Quickly Removing Blackhead... DIY CORONAVIRUS DISINFECTANT SPRAY CHEAP & EASY | 自製新冠病毒消毒噴霧劑 • HOW TO MAKE COVID-19 DISINFECTANT SPR... EASY NATURAL DIY HOMEMADE HAND SANITIZER • Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer: Simple ... DIY NATURAL SHAMPOO for HAIR GROWTH | 自製簡單快速長髮洗髮精 • Shocking Discovery: DIY Hair Growth S... THE BOOK OF PSALMS, BIBLE VERSES with RELAXING MUSIC | 讀詩篇聖經與輕鬆音樂 • Christian ASMR: Psalm 1-5 with Relaxi... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to my YouTube channel! My name is Sunny and I am a nurse (RN, BSN) in the U.S. Helping you improve your health, providing natural health knowledge, nutrition and natural remedies. Thank you so much for watching my videos. I really appreciate your time and hope they can help you achieve your goal. 歡迎來到我的YouTube頻道!我叫小桃,我是美國的護士. 幫助您改善健康,提供天然保健知識、營養和自然療法. 希望可以幫助大家變得更健康. 非常感謝你們看我的影片. 希望這些影片可以幫助你們達到你們的目標. #bloodpressure #reducebloodpressure #lowerbloodpressure #drink1cupdailytonormalizehighbloodpressure #teaforhighbloodpressure #highbloodpressuretea #bestnaturalremedyforhighbloodpressure #naturalremedy #remedyforhighbloodpressure #hibiscustea #benefitsofhibiscustea #hibiscusteabenefits #hibiscusteaforhighbloodpressure #hibiscusteauses #bloodpressure #healthbenefitsofhibiscustea #hibiscusteabloodpressure #highbloodpressure