OOPs Tutorial in One Shot | Object Oriented Programming | in C++ Language | for Placement Interviews
Hope this class helps you with your Placement & Internship Interviews❤️ Link to Practice MCQs : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-fSU... #oop #objectorientedprogramming #placement ---------------------------------------------------- Timestamps : 00:00 Introduction 01:26 OOPS 03:38 Class & Object 17:05 Access Specifier 23:48 Encapsulation 29:10 Constructor 41:08 this Pointer 46:33 Copy Constructor 51:56 Shallow vs Deep Copy 1:09:07 Destructor 1:14:35 Inheritance 1:24:45 Mode of Inheritance 1:27:01 Types of Inheritance 1:35:10 Polymorphism 1:30:41 Function Overloading 1:43:33 Function Overriding 1:46:40 Virtual Function 1:48:25 Abstraction 1:49:58 Abstract Class 1:55:15 Static Keyword Join the Apni Community🔥 : https://telegram.me/+k4rdgTPwmm5kMGVl