Rosary and Mass the Third Sunday of Advent, December 12, 2021
Saint James the Less Catholic Church, Corinth, Mississippi
Third Sunday of Advent December 12 2021
Fr Joseph Wilson MSC, Rosary and Healing Mass, Monday 13th December 2021, Third Sunday of Advent
Sunday, December 12, 8:00 a.m. Mass: THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT
Dec 12 2021 10:30 Roman Catholic Mass and Episcopal Holy Eucharist
Live Stream 6:30 Teen Mass Sunday, December 12th - 3rd Sunday in Advent
Catholic Evening Prayer December 12, 2021 Sunday of the 3rd Week of Advent
Third Sunday of Advent, December 12, 2021, 11:30 AM, Family Catholic Church, AmCan
Mass at Holy Child Catholic Church on the 3rd Sunday of Advent,12 December 2021, Tijeras NM
Spanish Mass of the 3rd Sunday of Advent
Holy Sunday Mass (Third Sunday of Advent) - Creole - 12/12/21/ 1:00 PM
10:30am Sunday, December 12th, 2021 - Gaudete Sunday (Third Sunday of Advent)
Third Sunday of Advent - Sunday December 12, 2021 (10:00AM)
Third Sunday of Advent - December 12, 2021
Third Sunday of Advent - December 12, 2021
Third Sunday of Advent Mass December 12, 2021 | with Fr. Raju Gudimalla
Mass 12-12-21 - The Third Sunday of Advent
Sun Mass on 12/12/2021: Msgr. Helmut Hefner
Third Sunday of Advent | Rosary & Mass | 2021.12.12 at 9:00 am
The Third Sunday of Advent
Mass for the 3rd Sunday of Advent