New Year's Eve snack 🎉 2 dips for bread chips
2 great dips not just for New Year's Eve. For croutons or bread chips. A trout cream and a hard cheese cream. Enjoy. Egg salad with bread chips:    • Eiersalat als Komplettgericht - mit B...  Cooking show Beas recipes and Thom ______________________________ Advertising: 👉 Copper core pan Discount code “Rezepte70” : https://myolavson.com/products/olav-p... 👉 Kitchen helper Discount code “Rezepte70” : https://www.kochen-essen-wohnen.de/yo... New Thom Whatsapp: https://tinyurl.com/Thomas-Whatsapp Instagram:   / beasrezepte  Facebook:   / beasrezepteundideen  ______________________________ Ingredients for the trout cream dip: 300 g cream cheese 60 g trout fillet 2 small gherkins Dill 1 tsp sweet grainy mustard ½ tsp cream hot horseradish Pepper/salt A dash of lemon Small piece of garlic Ingredients for the Parmesan cream dip 300 g cream cheese 60 g Parmesan Parsley/oregano A dash of lemon Garlic Pepper/salt