10 most famous paintings in the world.
Agedor.art utilizes cutting-edge Web3 technologies like smart contracts, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and augmented reality. The gallery offers people the chance to earn a stable passive income exceeding the S&P 500's performance over the last century, and to acquire items invested in by the world's wealthiest. By owning just $100 in stablecoins, gallery visitors can potentially become millionaires by winning one of the high-value lots. Every NFT buyer receives a digital version of the authenticity document and a link to download the virtual version of the item for metaverses, including the ability to print it in 3D. Smart contracts ensure that each fractional NFT owner receives a link to download a virtual 3D model of the item. Blockchain technology makes the art and collectibles history public, aiding in price setting and market decriminalization. Web3 registration ensures data privacy, with no risk of third-party or tax authority access. #art #investing #famousshorts #success #collectibles #collection #income #highvalue #profit #botticelli #claudemonet #rembrandt #munch #vermeer #picasso #michelangelo #davinci #vangogh #masterpiece #pieceofart #rwa