New bouquet | Sonic Fan Character(SpeedPaint)

New bouquet | Sonic Fan Character(SpeedPaint)

Elapsed time - 3 hours Drawn with - Paint Tool Sai 2 Music from video: Sweet Note – Sakura Girl Heat Of The Summer – Luke Bergs & Markvard Right Here (ft. Michael Shynes) – Atch Redraw my old art... and record new video! Old video -    • SpeedColor by Geran   Old art - New art - #art #speedpaint #sonic #sonicfancharacter #fancharacter #artwork #didgital #fan #fanart #drawing #colours #process #oc #painting #sai #timelaps #sai2 #hedgehog #create #speed #draw #woman #female #colored #color #character #paintingprocess #tutorial #그림쟁이 #그림 #일러스트 #그림영상 #redraw #girl #creative #funny #thenandnow