BLUEY Freeze Dance | Easter | Bluey Brain Break | Danny Go Noodle

BLUEY Freeze Dance | Easter | Bluey Brain Break | Danny Go Noodle

#bluey #easter #brainbreak Bluey brain breaks are my favorite, and this one is sure to be epic! This Bluey brain break is inspired by all things Easter, the Easter bunny, eggs hunts, going on a bunny hunt, and more! You'll dance when the music plays and freeze when you see Easter bunny Bandit. Can you follow the bunny footprints to find where he hid the chocolate eggs and Easter basket?! Just dance and have a blast! I strive to make brain breaks fun and engaging to help keep kids active. Everyone who loves Kidz Bop and Go Noodle videos will be sure to enjoy brain breaks found here. Have fun! At Noodle Pop Nation we love: Danny Go! Go Noodle Coach Corey Martin Kidz Bop Just Dance and more! #brainbreak #bluey #easter #egghunt #funforkids #justdance Thank you Vecteezy for the awesome background video and images.