You Can Win (Jeet Apki) by Shiv Khera Audiobook | Book Summary in Hindi
You Can Win (Jeet Apki) by Shiv Khera Audiobook | Book Summary in Hindi Want create site? Find Free WordPress Themes and plugins. “You Can Win”-The book is world-famous and translated into many languages. The book is written by Shiv Khera and is a part of Life Changing Works. It describes ways to achieve success and help you build a successful and rewarding life. The simple fact that you are reading this indicates you want to have a richer life than you have now. The book talks about winners and losers. Winners and losers have some common traits, once you start following those traits you can win. The principles and different chapters of the book are summarized here to make you understand concepts, and are applicable in any situation, organization, or country. Here is all about that how you can win – a book by Shiv Khera. #youcanwin #booksummaryinhindi #audiobook #audiobooks #selfhelpbooks #summaryinhindi #audiobookinhindi #hindibooksummary #selfimprovement #shivkhera #hindiaudiobook #bookreview #jeetaapki