39th Law of Power 💪 - Strike the Shepherd and Sheep will Scatter! | 48 Laws of Power Series |Hindi

39th Law of Power 💪 - Strike the Shepherd and Sheep will Scatter! | 48 Laws of Power Series |Hindi

This law in detail discuss about why you need to find the central cause because there is always one king that is ruling the whole country and it is a waste of time to put your energy in the whole country instead of focusing on the king. #power #lawsofpower #48lawsofpower #robertgreenebooks #storytelling #darkpsychology #maincause #causeandeffect #decisionmaker #divideandrule #centralcause #psychology #mindset #humanbehavior #success #successfulminds #lifelessons #lifechanging #motivationalvideos #hariomgurjar #shorts power 48 laws of power book 48 laws of power hindi 48 laws of power summary 48 laws of power hindi how 48 laws of power changed my life what 48 laws of power teaches you how is 48 laws of power how to read 48 laws of power how to use 48 laws of power how to use 48 laws of power at work what is 48 laws of power about 48 laws of power law 23 48 laws of power by robert green robert greene power robert greene robert greene books power by robert greene each man thumb screw weakness psychology dark psychology and dark psychology tricks dark psychology facts what is dark psychology dark human psychology manipulation manipulation techniques psychology dark manipulation dark psychology and manipulation manipulation tactics manipulation tricks human psychology and manipulation art of manipulation what is manipulation main cause main cause of any problem how to find the root cause of a problem what is the main cause finding the root cause of a problem how to find main cause of any problem how to identify main cause of any problem cause and effect law of cause and effect what are cause and effect what is cause and effect relationship what is cause and effect explaining cause and effect cause and effect in hindi cause and effect in life cause and effect kya hota hai decision maker how to be a good decision maker in life how to be a decision maker how to be a quick decision maker how to be a good decision maker how to be a better decision maker divide and rule what is divide and rule divide and conquer rule central cause psychology psychology facts human psychology manipulation techniques psychology psychology of human behavior dark psychology and manipulation psychology fact psychology tricks mindset mindset motivation growth mindset positive mindset strong mindset how to change your mindset how to change mindset mindset matters