✨Show Me Your Gardens!✨ ZONE 8 :: Zone 8 Garden Tours :: What Plants Work and What Don't!

✨Show Me Your Gardens!✨ ZONE 8 :: Zone 8 Garden Tours :: What Plants Work and What Don't!

Welcome Gardeners! We are touring all over this week checking out gardeners from all zones. Today we are focusing on USDA zone 8 gardens. The gardeners have told us what works in their gardens, and what doesn’t! If you are a zone 8 gardener, watch to get some great advice from your fellow zone buddies! 🌿 Enjoy! Check to see if your zone changed here!: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/ 🌱Check out these creators from Zone 3: Simply Bloom YouTube:    / @simplybloom   🌱Check out these creators from Zone 4: Carissa’s Garden:    / @carissasgarden   Hosta and Lily Garden:    / hostaandlilygarden   Tony from Plant Practitioner: instagram.com/plant.practitioner/ 🌱 Check out these creators from Zone 5: Julia Veenstra Artist:    / @juliaveenstraartist   Michelle’s Home and Garden:    / @michelleshomeandgarden   🌱 Check out these creators from Zone 6: Lynne Purse:    / lynnpurse   Allan’s Full Video:    • 7/11/23   Bethany Chicago Gardener YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ChicagoGarde... Chicago Gardener Instagram:   / chicagogardener   Clark The Barefooted Gardener:    / @thebarefootedgardener   Jojo Wireback Candles:   / wirebackcandles_   Katie with Sunshine Garden: https://www.youtube.com/@sunshine.gar... 🌱 Check out these creators from Zone 7: Inspiring Garden Korner:    / @inspiringgardenkorner   Diane @ Scapes and Paints:   / scapesnpaints   Julia from Julia’s Garden:    / @juliasgarden1   🌱 Check out these creators from Zone 8: Janette with The Enthusiastic Gardener:    / @theenthusiasticgardener   Kevy with Garden of Shrubs:   / cp5kwl2g2ov   Kim with Backyard Blooms with Kim:    / @backyardbloomswithkim   Pamela with Flower Patch Farmhouse:    / flowerpatchfarmhouse   Pamela’s website: https://www.flowerpatchfarmhouse.com/ Betty with Simple Southern Garden: https://youtube.com/@simple_southern_... Betty’s Instagram:   / simple_southern_flare   Betty’s airBnB website: https://simplesouthernflare.com/ Destry with OregonYardening:    / @oregonyardening   Check out Destry’s August Garden tour to see her garden in full bloom!:   • August (ish) Garden tour 🌻backyard ga...   📣 Click here to get your own Vego Garden Bed (and thank you for using my affiliate link!): https://glnk.io/vzw5/digplantwaterrepeat 🌸 My Merchandise Shop!: https://www.digplantwaterrepeat.com/shop 🌸 My Amazon Store!: Check out more of my favorite gardening supplies: https://www.amazon.com/shop/digplantw... ————M Y L I N K S———— E M A I L: digplantwaterrepeat@gmail.com I N S T A G R A M:   / digplantwaterrepeat   W E B S I T E: https://www.digplantwaterrepeat.com M E R C H A N D I S E: https://www.digplantwaterrepeat.com/shop ————B R A N D S I W O R K W I T H———— 🌸 Proven Winners: https://www.provenwinners.com 🌸 Hose Link: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=196626... 🌸 Vego Garden Beds: https://glnk.io/vzw5/digplantwaterrepeat ———— A D D R E S S ———— Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat 417 Mace Blvd Ste J # 238 Davis, CA 95618 ————F T C D I S C L A I M E R ———— This video is not sponsored, however some plants and equipment that I use in my garden have been provided to me to try out! Amazon Associate: Some links are commissioned. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases! Thank you all so much for supporting me! #showmeyourgardens, #zone8 #gardentour