Easy Warm Up Routine | 6 minute Warm Up | Get Fit With Rick
Start your day off the right way with this easy warm up routine. Get Fit With Rick This 6 minute warm up will take you through the different planes of movement activating our muscles and lubricating those joints. This warm up routine is 100% low impact and the perfect way to kickstart your day or workouts. Comment below to let us know how you get on! Don't forget to like and subscribe for weekly videos. ------------------------------------------------------- ALL THE LINKS YOU NEED ------------------------------------------------------- CLAIM YOU 7 DAY FREE TRIAL https://www.getfitwithrick.com/offers... TAKE THE 7 DAY FREE CHALLENGE: https://www.getfitwithrick.com/opt-in STEP IN STYLE | SHOP GFWR https://www.getfitwithrick-store.com/ TAG ME ON INSTAGRAM: / rickbhullarfitness JOIN THE COMMUNITY FACEBOOK GROUP: https://bit.ly/rick_community JOIN THE VIP MEMBERSHIP: https://www.getfitwithrick.com Don't forget to hashtag "getfitwithrick" #weightloss #lowimpactworkouts #personaltraining #cardio #cardioworkout #cardiofit #lowimpactexercise #lowimpactworkout #lowimpacthiit #lowimpactmovement #lowimpactcardio #workout #weightlosstips #weightlossmotivation #walkingworkout #walkingexercise #walkingexerciseforweightloss #walkingvideo