The Most Holy Trinity (11AM)

The Most Holy Trinity (11AM)

Please do not attend this Mass in Person unless you have received a confirmation email. To Register for future Outdoor Mass times, Visit After viewing this Mass you may come to the Church to receive Holy Communion. Please wait 10 minutes to come to allow for the cars to leave. One of our priests will be in the Gathering Area for about 30 minutes after Mass. Please Do NOT arrive until after Mass to receive Communion. Visit to donate for Project Advance 2020. Thank you for watching The videos and livestreams from our Parish. We continue to pray for you and your family during this time. Please pray for our Priests and those who continue to make our Parish function. The Parish still needs to pay its bills and will get little assistance from outside sources. You can still hand in your envelopes by handing them into the Parish office through the mail slot or better yet use this link - - to donate online through the Archdiocese of Vancouver's website. Visit for more info.