구례여행- 섬진강 대나무숲길
전라남도 구례 원방리의 섬진강변에 자리한 대나무 숲길을 소개합니다. 섬진강 숲길이 아직은 많이 알려지지는 않았지만 구례여행을 위해 검색하다보니 꼭 가보고싶더라구요. 대나무숲은 섬진강가에 자리하고 있어서 더욱더 운치가 있는데요. 예전에 섬진강 바닥에선 사금채취를 많이 했나봐요. 덕분에 모래가 파헤쳐진데다 대홍수로 모래가 모두 쓸려 내려가자 주변에서 농장을 하던 분께서 강가에 대나무를 심기 시작했다고 해요. 지금의 멋진 대나무 숲길이 조성된 사연입니다. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is about a bamboo forest located along the Seomjin River in Wonbang-ri, Gurye, Jeollanam-do, Korea. This place is not well known yet, but when I searched for a trip to Gurye, I wanted to go there. Because the bamboo forest is located along the Seomjin River, it has even more flavor. In the past, people dug sand from the bottom of the Seomjin River and collected a lot of tiny gold. As a result, the sand was dug up and there was a great flood, and the sand was washed away. Then the farmer living here decided to plant bamboo along the riverside. Now people can enjoy the beautiful bamboo forest in Gurye. This is the story behind the creation of the wonderful bamboo forest of today.