Biblical Nursery Rhymes For Kids | Sunshine Kids Bible Stories | Christian Songs for Children
Biblical Nursery Rhymes For Kids | Sunshine Kids Bible Stories | Christian Songs for Children #biblesongs #childrensmusic #christiankids #christiansongs #faith #godslove #jesuslovesyou #kids #kidsvideo #kidsworship | | | Description: Welcome to Sunshine Kids Bible Stories! 🌟🎵 Enjoy these fun, engaging, and educational Biblical nursery rhymes designed to teach children about God’s love, faith, and courage through classic Bible stories. From Noah’s Ark to David & Goliath, these catchy rhymes make learning about the Bible exciting and memorable for kids of all ages! 🎶 Songs Included: ✅ Noah’s Ark 🦁🐘 ✅ David & Goliath 🏹✊ ✅ Jonah & the Whale 🐋🌊 ✅ Daniel in the Lion’s Den 🦁🙌 ✅ Jesus Loves the Little Ones ❤️👶 ✅ The Good Shepherd 🐑🙏 ✅ Creation Song 🌍✨ ✨ Perfect for Sunday School, Home Worship, and Kids’ Bible Lessons! 📖 Sing along & share God’s Word with your little ones today! | | 👍 Like, Comment & Subscribe for more faith-filled songs & stories! | | --- *1. Noah’s Ark* [Verse 1] Noah heard God’s loving call, "Build an ark, so strong and tall!" Animals came, two by two, Lion, tiger, kangaroo! [Chorus] Raindrops fell—pitter, pat! God’s great hands were over that. Through the storm, through the tide, God kept Noah safe inside! --- *2. David and Goliath* [Verse 1] David took a little stone, Faced the giant all alone. With his faith and with his might, He stood up to win the fight! [Chorus] Boom! Boom! Down he fell! God was there, and all went well. No one’s ever too small or weak, With God’s power, stand and speak! --- *3. Jonah and the Whale* [Verse 1] Jonah ran from God one day, Sailed on a ship and sailed away. Stormy waves began to grow, Overboard he had to go! [Chorus] Down, down, down he fell, Swallowed up inside a whale! Three long days, then he prayed, God forgave and made a way! --- *4. Daniel in the Lion’s Den* [Verse 1] Daniel prayed three times a day, Even when the king said "Nay!" In the den, lions roared, But an angel closed the door! [Chorus] Not a scratch, not a bite, God was there all through the night! Trust in Him, don’t be scared, He’s with you—He’s always there! --- *5. Jesus Loves the Little Ones* [Verse 1] Jesus loves the little ones, Every daughter, every son. Big or small, near or far, He knows just the way we are! [Chorus] Hold His hand, don’t let go, He will lead you as you grow. Day by day, step by step, He will love you—don’t forget! --- *6. The Good Shepherd* [Verse 1] Jesus is my Shepherd true, Guiding me in all I do. If I wander far away, He will bring me home to stay! [Chorus] Safe and sound, safe and sound, In His love, I'm safe and found. Jesus knows and Jesus cares, He will always lead me there! --- *7. Creation Song* [Verse 1] God made the sun, the moon, the sky, Mountains tall and birds that fly. Flowers bloom, the rivers flow, All because He loves us so! [Chorus] Oh, what joy! Oh, what light! God made everything so bright! Day and night, land and sea, And He made you and me! #SunshineKidsBibleStories #ChristianSongsForKids #BibleSongs #SundaySchool #ChristianNurseryRhymes #KidsWorship #JesusLovesYou #FaithForKids #BibleForChildren #ChristianMusic