April 18, 2021: The Third Sunday of Easter

April 18, 2021: The Third Sunday of Easter

The Liturgy of the Word at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Durango, Colorado for April 18, 2021, the Third Sunday of Easter. See bulletin at https://tinyurl.com/523zsdwe. The Rev. Dr. Don Hassemer, presiding. Sermon by Dr. Kip Boyd. 00:00 Prelude 03:30 Welcome and Announcements 04:24 Opening Hymn 07:48 Opening Acclamation and Kyrie 08:04 Hymn of Praise: Pascha nostrum 10:16 Collect of the Day 10:44 First Reading 12:02 Psalm 13:13 Second Reading 14:44 Hymn at the Gospel 18:35 Gospel 20:15 Sermon. The Rev. Dr. Don Hassemer. 33:50 Nicene Creed 35:21 Prayers of the People 38:58 Peace and Offertory 39:51 Offertory Music 41:18 Lord’s Prayer and Blessing 42:25 Closing Hymn 44:30 Dismissal 44:45 Postlude 47:30 Credits 48:20 Church Information