Prayer to expose the truth Good day everyone, today we shall be engaging in prayer to expose the truth. Every truth that must set you free shall be exposed today in Jesus Christ name. The bible speaking in John 8:32: "John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Every hidden truth that the devil has stolen from you shall be released tonight in Jesus Christ name. Engage this prayers with all your heart and watch the truth exposed in Jesus Christ name. Prayer to expose the truth 1. Father, expose every hidden truth that the devil has stolen from me in Jesus Christ name 2. Father Expose the true identity of all my enemies for all to see in Jesus Christ name 3. Father, expose the truth about every evil activities of the evil one in my life in Jesus Christ 4. Father expose every evil intentions of the enemy in my life in Jesus Christ name 5. Father, Let the truth prevail in my life in Jesus Christ name 6. By the fire of God, I separate myself from every liar in Jesus Christ name 7. Father, let the truth, continually set me free in Jesus Christ name 8. Father, humiliate everyone that bears false witness against me in Jesus Christ name 9. Father, disgrace all those that spread false rumours about me in Jesus 10. Father, I thank you for bringing the truth t light in Jesus Christ name For more prayers visit: join our prayer group on telegram @ : download our prayer app on play store @ follow us on facebook @   / everydayprayerguide   follow us on instagram @   / everydayprayerguide   follow us on twitter @   / prayerguide_   Follow Us on Pinterest @   / everydayprayerguide   Contact Me: [email protected]