The Tribulation and Daniel's 70th Week — The Rapture and the Wrath of God — The End Times

The Tribulation and Daniel's 70th Week — The Rapture and the Wrath of God — The End Times

When will the church be removed? Prior, during or after the tribulation? What does Daniel's 70th week say about it? Those who are loyal to the antichrist will fully suffer the wrath of God. Revelation 11 and the Book of Daniel are key passages to understand the timeline of the Abomination of Desolation We need to be watching for the signs prior to the end of this age. Join us in this study and interpret the bible from an in-depth perspective. Dr. Baruch asks a few questions which must be answered to rightly understand Biblical truth concerning the End Times. To donate, please visit us at: Checks may be sent to: 6355 N. Courtenay Parkway Merritt Island, FL 32953.