Parts Of Prescription Complete Explaination In Telugu đ„âš|| B Pharmacy 1st Year Pharmaceutics ||
Welcome To Discription Hello friends In this Video we Cover, prescription in pharmacy, part of prescription, pharmaceutics 1 b pharmacy 1st semester, So. If you are pharmacy student then must subscribe this channel, it is totally for You.. Like, Share And Subscribe Our Channel For More Videos Definition - A prescription is an order for medicine which a doctor writes, and which is given to a pharmacist to prepare and administer the medicine. The new drug does not require a physician's prescription - it can be bought over the counter. The pharmacist cannot dispense certain medicines without a doctor's prescription.. The classical prescription should have the following essential parts in order: 1. Date: The date on which prescription is written. 2. The identity, age, sex, breed of an animal and address of owner also be mentioned. 3. Superscription: It consists of the symbol Rx, an abbreviation of the Latin word recipe which means âtake thou ofâ. 4. Inscription: The inscription is the body of the prescription which lists the names and the amount of drugs to be incorporated in the prescription. 5. Subscription: The subscription directs pharmacist, dispenser what to make from ingredients i.e. mixture, liniment, ointment etc. and the quantity of the formulation to dispense. 6. The Signa (Sig. or S.) or Signature: The signature does not refer to the prescriberâs signature but it is derived from the Latin word âSignatureâ which means âlet it be labeledâ. It is the part of the prescription where the prescriber instructs the pharmacist what he wishes to be written on the label of the dispended product. Occasionally, this part of the prescription order is called the transcription. 7. Prescriberâs Signature: The signature of the practitioner must appear on the prescription to make it a legal document. Physicianâs full name his/her address and his/her registration number may also be mentioned. -- âȘ@NaniEduInfo⏠-- Queries :- carewell pharma, prescription, prescription in pharmacy, handling of prescription, error in prescription, pharmaceutics 1 b pharmacy 1st semester, error in prescription in pharmaceutics, handling of prescription and errors in prescription, prescription in pharmaceutics, parts of prescription, handling of prescription in pharmaceutics, pharmaceutics 1st semester, pharmaceutics 1 b pharmacy 1st semester unit 1, pharmaceutics 1 b pharmacy 1st semester unit 1 chapter 3, b pharm 1st semester pharmaceutics unit 1 carewell pharma , bpharm 1st sem pharmaceutics unit 1 prescription, pharmaceutics 1 b pharmacy 1st semester prescription, prescription in pharmaceutics b pharm 1st sem, handling of prescription in pharmaceutics, error in prescription in pharmacy, part of prescription in community pharmacy, #carewellpharma #prescriptions #bpharma1semester #questionpaper --Nani edu Info -- Search Terms Carewell Pharma pharma lecture b pharma 1st semester b pharma notes b pharmacy notes pharmacy video lecture pharma lectures in hindi Handwritten in Hindi B Pharma Pharmacy Notes download PDF Best Handwritten notes of B Pharma Download Semester wise complete notes of B Pharma Pharmacy Carewell Pharma Notes pdf #prescriptionwriting #prescriptionformate #partsofprescription #pharmacyd #pharmacydbyasim Related Topic :- prescription,pharmacy,parts of prescription,Prescription: Parts of Prescription,Handling of Prescription | D.Pharm 2nd year (Pharmaceutics-2) noteskarts,parts of prescription in pharmacy,parts of prescription in pharmaceutics,various parts of prescription