Red flags before first date?

Red flags before first date?

Red flags before first date? Confidence booster: Hey guys, welcome back to KamaTV! This is your dating coach, Emre from Today, we're diving into a topic that can save you a lot of time, energy, and maybe even a bit of heartache – spotting those red flags before the first date. First dates are always a bit of a gamble, right? But there are often signs before you even meet up that tell you if this is worth your time or not. Now, I know dating can be tricky, and sometimes it's easy to ignore the little warnings. But remember, recognizing these signals early can help you steer clear of drama and set yourself up for a better dating experience. So, let's jump right into the top 10 red flags you should be watching out for before you even sit down for that first coffee or drink. And stick around till the end because I’ll be giving you tips on what to do if you see these red flags popping up. Let's get into it! 1. She’s Inconsistent with Communication If she's super responsive one day and then you don't hear from her for a week, that's a red flag. Consistency in communication shows interest and reliability. Example: Let’s say you’re having a great text conversation, and she suddenly goes radio silent for days, only to pick up the conversation as if nothing happened. This could mean she's not fully invested or might even be dating other people. Sure, everyone’s busy, but if it’s happening too often, it’s a sign she might not be taking things seriously. 2. She’s Already Talking About Her Ex If she brings up her ex repeatedly, she might not be over her past relationship. Talking about the ex before you even meet can indicate unresolved baggage or emotional hang-ups. Example: You’re chatting online, and she keeps mentioning “My ex used to do that” or “That’s what my ex liked too.” If her ex is taking up that much mental space, she may not be fully ready for someone new – like you. 3. She Only Wants to Text, No Calls or Video Chats If she insists on texting only, that could mean she’s hiding something or isn’t comfortable being genuine. Text-only communication makes it easy to avoid personal connection, and it could mean she’s not serious about meeting in person. Example: You suggest a quick video call to get to know each other better, and she dodges it every time with excuses. It could mean she’s just not interested enough to make that extra effort. 4. She Cancels Plans Frequently (or is Vague About Making Them) A person who keeps rescheduling or avoiding commitment to a specific time may not be prioritizing you. Frequent cancellations suggest she isn’t fully interested or has other priorities. Example: You make plans to meet, and she cancels last minute with vague excuses, like “Something came up.” If this is happening more than once, she’s likely not serious about meeting. 5. She’s Rushing for Personal Information If she’s asking personal or financial questions way too early, this is a major red flag. While it’s normal to get to know each other, someone pushing for your address, job details, or income before even meeting can be a sign she has motives beyond genuine interest. Example: Imagine you’re casually chatting, and she suddenly asks how much you make or the value of your car. That’s a little intrusive before you’ve even had your first date, right? 6. She’s Only Interested in What You Can Do for Her If she’s always steering the conversation toward things you can provide – like fancy dinners, gifts, or vacations – she might be more interested in the benefits of dating you rather than in you as a person. Example: She keeps mentioning the places she wants to be taken or gifts she expects in a relationship. It’s a subtle hint that she may be seeing you as a “provider” rather than a partner. 7. She Plays Mind Games or Tests You This could be subtle, like ignoring your messages to see how you react or throwing out minor insults to gauge your response. Mind games before the first date are usually a sign of control issues or emotional immaturity. Example: If she takes hours to reply after you message her right away, just to see if you’ll double-text, that’s game-playing. Don’t let yourself get trapped in the “test” cycle before you’ve even met. Hope you enjoy! • To stay up to date on dating advice subscribe to the KamaTV channel • Dating advice and dating training at • Find us on facebook   / kamalifestyles   • Follow us on twitter   / kamalifestyles   • Follow us on instagram   / kamalifestyles   #DatingAdvice #RelationshipTips #FirstDateTips #RedFlagsInDating #DatingRedFlags #ViralVideo #YouTubeTips #LoveAndRelationships #DatingHelp #RelationshipAdviceForMen #DatingDoAndDonts #OnlineDatingAdvice #FirstDateRedFlags #DatingMistakesToAvoid #HealthyRelationships