⚡ Sarada's Chidori VS Boro | Boruto's Transformation 🔥 Boruto 207 Reaction Mashup 🇯🇵 [ボルト -- 海外の反応]

⚡ Sarada's Chidori VS Boro | Boruto's Transformation 🔥 Boruto 207 Reaction Mashup 🇯🇵 [ボルト -- 海外の反応]

Live Action Reaction Mashup Channel:    / @fandominsight   👉🏻▶️ Whatch it in HD (No watermarks)   / saradas-chidori-99276210   Content without watermarks 👉🏻▶️   / infinitefandom   Thanks for watching, Subscribe for more and share 😁👍🏻 • Shippuden Reaction Mashup List: 👉🏻▶️    • 🔥 Naruto Shippuden Reactions Mashup 🔥   • Boruto reaction Mashup List: 👉🏻▶️    • Playlist   ⚡ Sarada's Chidori VS Boro | Boruto's Transformation 🔥 Boruto 207 Reaction Mashup 🇯🇵 [ボルト -- 海外の反応] Fair Use COPYRIGHT FAIR USE NOTICE, Title 17, US Code (Sections 107-118 of the copyright law): All media in this video is used for purpose of review & commentary under terms of fair use. All footage, music & images used belong to their respective companies. #BorutoReaction #ReactionMashup