ABC Song | Learn ABC Alphabet Train Choo Choo | Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes
Verse 1 🎵 All aboard with A pples and B alloons, C louds above and D ancing raccoons! Chug-a-chug, the whistle blows, Next stop: E , F , G —here we go! 🎵 Chorus Choo-choo, choo-choo, round the bend! Clap your hands, let’s sing again! Choo-choo, choo-choo, loud and clear — A-B-C-D-E-F-G —cheer! 🎵 Verse 2 🎵 H ats on heads, I ce cream cones, J umping K angaroos on trainy thrones! L ions laugh, M ountains high, N oodles nap as we roll by! 🎵 Chorus Choo-choo, choo-choo, round the bend! Stomp your feet, let’s sing again! Choo-choo, choo-choo, loud and clear — H-I-J-K-L-M-N —cheer! 🎵 Bridge 🎵 Toot-toot! The conductor calls, O ctopus waves from ocean walls! P enguins peek, Q uiet moon, R ocket ships zoom to the tune ! 🎵 Verse 3 🎵 S unflowers sway, T rees wave low, U mbrellas up when it starts to snow! V olcanoes burst, W aves crash free, X ylophones play merrily! 🎵 Final Chorus Choo-choo, choo-choo, Z is near! Spin in circles, give a cheer! Choo-choo, choo-choo, now we’re here — A-B-C all the way to Z ! 🎵 Outro 🎵 Huff-puff … the train slows down, Letters learned, turn that frown… Wait—let’s go another round ! Alphabet Train Choo-Choo —we’re bound! 🎵 #Songforkids #Singalong #SongsForBabies #toddlerSongs #kidscartoon #PreschoolSong #NurserySong #KindergartenSong #KidsEducation #kidsentertainment #PreschoolSong #NuNuTv #KidsSongs #kidSong #Songforkids #Singalong #SongsForBabies #toddlerSongs #kidscartoon #PreschoolSong #NurserySong #KindergartenSong #KidsEducation #kidsentertainment -------------------------------------------- #Badanamu #KidsMusic #KidsLearning #BadaSongs #EducationalSongs #BadanamuMusic #BadanamuKids #BadanamuSongs #BadanamuNurseryRhymes #BadaBoom #BadanamuDance #BadanamuEnglish #BadanamuLearning #NurseryRhymes #ToddlerSongs #BabySongs #PreschoolMusic #FunSongsForKids #SingAlong #DanceSongsForKids #MusicForKids #EarlyEducation #ABC #123Songs #LearningIsFun #KidsEducation #PhonicsSongs #AlphabetSongs #CountingSongs #ShapesAndColors #KidsFun #SingAndDance #MusicTime #KidsParty #InteractiveSongs #ToddlerFun #DancingKids #KidsEntertainment #FunForToddlers #BabyFun #YouTubeKids #YouTubeFamily #FamilyFriendly #SafeForKids #ViralKidsVideo #TrendingKidsSongs #TopKidsSongs #KidsYouTubeChannel #BestKidsVideos #NewKidsMusic