THE LAST OF US 2 - WLF BOSS "ISAAC" ||The Forward Base & the Aquarium|| (Part 25) Abby's PLAYTHROUGH

THE LAST OF US 2 - WLF BOSS "ISAAC" ||The Forward Base & the Aquarium|| (Part 25) Abby's PLAYTHROUGH

THE LAST OF US PART 2 Gameplay walkthrough part 25: SEATTLE DAY 1 - The Forward Base (WLF Boss ISAAC) and the Aquarium (All Hidden Collectible locations) ||Abby's Story|| Subscribe and hit the ❤️{like}❤️ button !! It's your only way to help support this Channel. THE LAST OF US PART 2 GAMEPLAY WALKTHROUGH PLAYLIST:    • The Last of us Part 2   Last of us Remastered Playlist -    • Last of Us Remastered   Subscribe for more #thelastofuspart2 #thelastofuspartII #gamerbeebug    / nobbsend   Thank you for watching.