Assimilation in phonetics and phonology | Types of assimilation with examples
what is assimilation? types and directions of assimilation in phonetics and phonology is an important topic for linguistics students. This topic covers answers to the questions related to connected speech in phonology. What is assimilation? Ans: A phonological process in which a speech sound changes and becomes more like or identical to another sound that precedes or follows it. A significant difference in natural connected speech is the way that sounds belonging to one word can cause changes in sounds belonging to neighboring words. Directions of Assimilation 1) Progressive Assimilation: 2) Regressive Assimilation or Anticipatory Co-articulation 3) Coalescent Assimilation (Reciprocal Assimilation) Types of assimilation I) Assimilation of place of articulation ii) Assimilation of manner of articulation iii) Assimilation of voicing The contents for the Channel are as follows: 1. Basic grammar for Beginners 2. Linguistics (English) 3. Literature (English) 4. Intermediate level English Lectures #assimilation #phonetics #phonology