"The Star and the Saviour" | Rev Isaac Johnson | Christmas Service | 25-12-2022 | 09.00 AM | H.C
Christmas Festive Service | 25-12-2022 | 09.00 AM | Holy Communion Topic: The Star and the Saviour Bible passage : Matthew 2 : 1 - 12 Speaker : Rev Isaac Johnson Theme for the month : Names of God - Jehovah Shalom Theme for the year : Bow down and Worship Verse for the month : “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14 : 27 The link for Offering & Tithes: https://legacy.thekirk.in/giving website: https://www.thekirk.in email id: [email protected] Phone : 044-25612608 / 93613 07288. @Kirk Live Events #thekirk #jehovah_shalom #carols #nine_lessons #christmas