S24 Ultra - The Ultimate FUNCTIONAL Home Screen Setup 🔥
S24 Ultra - The Ultimate Home-Screen Setup This video shows you the most functional home-screen setup that you can have on a Galaxy S24 Ultra. ================================ 0. Intro: 0:00 1. Fit more icons on the Home Screen: 0:17 2. Sort apps alphabetically: 1:14 3. Add icons to the favourite panel: 1:26 4. Adding or Removing Home-Screens: 2:06 5. Add Useful Widgets to your Home Screen: 3:02 6. Making widgets transparent: 3:23 7. Re-sizing Widgets: 5:18 8. Combining Widgets: 6:06 9. Taking Home-Screen customization to the next level: 8:30 10. Generative Wallpapers: 9:50 ================================ Social Media Links: / techguycharlie / techguycharlie ================================ #s24ultra #samsungtips #oneui61 #homescreensetup #samsungtips #besthomescreensetup #samsunggalaxy #samsungsetup