️🔥 (2 Year Review)➔ How Does This DIY In-Ground Automatic Sprinkler System Hold Up After 2 Winters?
HERE ARE LINKS TO PRODUCTS IN/RELATED TO VIDEO ️🔥 Sprinker 1 (and Specs)➔ https://amzn.to/2A8V1bY ️🔥 Instructions (see mid-page)➔ https://amzn.to/3fBQv62 ️🔥 Sprinker 2➔ https://amzn.to/2Z2JXI7 ️🔥 Brass splitter for spigot➔ https://amzn.to/2YRlMMk *************************************** 🛒 🛠️ SHOP ALL MY DIY TOOLS & ESSENTIALS➔ https://amzn.to/4gHyLFw *************************************** (Sometimes ad links expire; if links are not working, please comment below, and I will get them updated ASAP) Forget garden hoses or hose sprinklers! I bought this DIY in-ground automatic sprinkler system kit on Amazon and love it! Attaches to my outside faucet spigot. Super easy to install (tip: use power washer to dig trench!) and holds up well after at least two winters. Waters my lawn automatically the whole season! Professional grade hose-end timer and dependable gear drive rotors. Auto timer saves tons of time and I didn't spend thousands on a professional system (it's obvious it's not - but it's still good quality). Highly recommended! For additional specs, click here: https://amzn.to/2A8V1bY *************************************** 🌟Unlock perks, partnerships, cash, & more here➔ https://linktr.ee/diybandit ***************************************** ⚠️ THIS VIDEO WAS CREATED TO ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR PROJECT. PLEASE READ YOUR INSTRUCTION MANUAL CAREFULLY AND CONSIDER ALL RISKS BEFORE BEGINNING. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS. THE MAKER OF THIS VIDEO DOES NOT ASSUME TO BE AN AUTHORITY AND, THEREFORE, IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE, INJURY, LOSS THAT OCCURS AS A RESULT OF VIEWING THE CONTENTS OF THIS VIDEO. ANY ACTION YOU TAKE FROM THE INFORMATION WITHIN THIS VIDEO IS STRICTLY AT YOUR OWN RISK. ⚠️ Rain Bird 32ETI Easy to Install In-Ground Automatic Sprinkler System Kit ➡To earn your trust, please know that as an affiliate I may receive a small commission for certain products that you purchase. However, as I personally own most products I review, I try to be 100% unbiased in any recommendations I may give. Additionally, I mostly recommend products that are only 4.5 or 5 stars (i.e. on Amazon). Thanks and enjoy DIY Bandit!