A Plague Tale - Innocence - Episode 6 (NO COMMENTARY)
#APlagueTale #aplaguetaleinnocence #aplaguetaleinnocencewalkthrough Welcome to Episode 6 of A Plague Tale Innocence... We hope you enjoyed the 5th episode and consider staying for the rest of the Series... Use this Silent Walkthrough as a guide or reference to help you with your own game if you are stuck! WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER! All of the games we complete will be in complete silence! meaning no annoying commentary over the top of the in game characters. This channel is all about enjoying the Story Lines of each game and of course its characters! THERE IS NOTHING WORSE THAN NOT BEING ABLE TO LISTEN TO THE CHARACTERS! We hope you consider joining us throughout our journey! Hit that Subscribe and Like button! BUY THIS GAME - Amazon - PlayStation 5 - https://amzn.to/3Xe3uAQ PlayStation 4 - https://amzn.to/3AtOBR0 Xbox Series X - https://amzn.to/3APpAAf Xbox Series One (Download Code) - https://amzn.to/3UPkmfE