Butterscotch Pudding Recipe|5 ingredients|Easy Recipes|Pudding Recipes| I’m Hungry|DessertRecipes#4

Butterscotch Pudding Recipe|5 ingredients|Easy Recipes|Pudding Recipes| I’m Hungry|DessertRecipes#4

Easy Butterscotch Pudding Recipe! This recipe is super easy, with almost all the ingredients available at our houses! You can make this anytime and win hearts of your loved ones! 🌸INGREDIENTS 🌸 2 cups cold Milk 1/4th Cup Cornflour 1/2 Cup Sugar 1/4th Cup Butter 1tsp Vanilla Essence Chopped Dry fruits for garnish (optional) Let it cool completely and then refrigerate for 2 hours! Enjoy your Butterscotch Pudding! #Butterscotchpudding #puddingrecipes #easyrecipes #butterscotch #dessertrecipes #5ingredients #imhungry