The BEST Way to Get 10 HEARTS with EVERY VILLAGER | Stardew Valley 1.5
Getting max hearts with the villagers of Stardew Valley is a daunting task, but if you use the approach we go over in this video, you'll get there quickly and easily! If you've wondered how to get hearts since you started playing Stardew, look no further, because soon your villagers will love you! Excel Spreadsheet: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AsiLm1LTj7X6gRKRo... Hall of Fame https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S... Stream Schedule Monday - 7:30pm ET Thursday - 7:30pm ET Saturday - 12:00pm ET Talk To Me! Twitch / unsurpassablez Discord http://discord.unsurpassablez.com Tik Tok http://tiktok.unsurpassablez.com Instagram http://instagram.unsurpassablez.com Twitter http://twitter.unsurpassablez.com YouTube http://youtube.unsurpassablez.com Patreon http://patreon.unsurpassablez.com Get the Official UnsurpassableZ Merch! http://merch.unsurpassablez.com Play on Our Minecraft Server! mc.unsurpassablez.com Check Out the VOD Archive / @unsurpassablezvods 0:00 Intro 0:18 What Affects Friendship? 1:41 Giving Gifts 2:50 What to Give Each Person 5:13 The Best Method 6:55 Comparing Methods Music from ConcernedApe • Stardew Valley OST - Spring (The Vall... Edited by UnsurpassableZ