Jeet Aapki ( You Can Win ) By Shiv Khera Audiobook Hindi Summary | जीत आपकी |willpowerandlife

Jeet Aapki ( You Can Win ) By Shiv Khera Audiobook Hindi Summary | जीत आपकी |willpowerandlife

GREAT BOOK....JEET AAPKI ! main topic from book- The book highlights the principles that one would need to follow to become successful. The way Shiv Kheda draws examples from everyday life, and also the way he uses stories and anecdotes to drive home the key points that form the crux of the book, help retain the interest till the end. Here are its chapters - Importance of positive attitude - Building a positive attitude ! This chapter opens with the story of a balloon man who used to release a helium filled balloon into the air when the business was slow so that the children would see it go up and would want to buy one which helped his business go up. From here, Shiv Khera moves on to explain that the same thing applies in our lives. It is what is inside that counts. The thing inside that makes us go up is ’attitude’’. What a beautiful way to open a section on ’’Attitude’’. Success - Winning strategies ! Shiv Khera says ’’Success is not an accident. It is the result of our attitude and our attitude is a choice. Hence success is a matter of choice and not chance’’. Shiv Khera says ’Failure is the highway to success’. He says all the success stories in history are stories of great failures too. However, we see only the bright side of the picture and say those people got lucky. The realization that all those who made it to the top were ordinary people who had to suffer a lot before they saw the light of success would inspire any sensible mind. Motivation - Motivating yourself and others everyday ! Shiv Khera says he has been asked at International seminars as to whether he could motivate others and he says his answer had always been ’’no’’. He believes that people motivate themselves and what he could do is inspire them to motivate themselves. Self esteem -Building positive self esteem and image ! One’s perception of oneself is a very important factor that contributes to success. Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves. Our opinion of ourselves influences everything from our performance at work, relationships, etc. Unless we perceive ourselves as worthwhile, we cannot have high self-esteem. Interpersonal skills - Building a pleasing personality Shiv Khera highlights the importance of effective interpersonal skills in this section. He says a pleasing personality is easy to recognize but hard to define. It is apparent in the way a person walks and talks, his tone of voice, the warmth in his behavior and his definitive level of confidence. He says wearing a pleasant expression is more important than anything else that you wear. Subconscious mind and habits - Forming positive habits and character ! This section analyses the importance of forming Why should a person read this book? The common criticism against the book is that once you read it and close the book, you won’t be able to recall most of what you have read. TRUE . You could find an answer to this worry from Shiv Khera himself. In the preface itself, he has made it very clear. He says, the concepts in this book cannot be absorbed by casual browsing or by gulping the whole book down in one reading. It should be read slowly and carefully, one chapter at a time. Don’t’ move on to the next chapter until you are sure you understand every concept in the previous chapter. • Topic covered & search results - you can win,you can win by shiv khera,you can win book,you can win book summary in hindi,you can win if you want,you can win by shiv khera in hindi,shiv khera book you can win,you can win shiv khera in hindi,book summary you can win shiv khera,you can win summary,you can win in hindi,you can win audiobook,you can win book summary,a game you can always win,win,book you can win,you can win hindi,you can win review,two can win,you can't win,jeet apki,jeet aapki,book jeet apki,jeet aapki shiv khera,jeet apki audiobook,jeet apki motivation,jeet aapki in hindi,jeet aapki by shiv khera in hindi,jeet aapki audiobook,you will winjeet aapki,jeet appki,jeet apki by shiv khera in hindi,jeet apki book,jeet aapki book,jeet apki in hindi,book jeet apki hindi,shiv khera jeet apki,jeet aapki stories,jeet apki by shiv kheda,jeet apki by shiv khera,jeet aapki kahaniya,shiv khera jeet aapkijeet aapki,jeet aapki shiv khera,thapki pyar ki,thapki,aapki jeet,jeet apki,jeet aapki by shiv khera in hindi,jeet appki,aapki hogi jeet,aapki jeet series,jeet aapkee,jeet aapki book,jeet aapki hogi,jeet aapki in hindi,jeet aapki stories,jeet aapki kahaniya,aap ki jeet,jeet aapki audiobook,shiv khera jeet aapki,har or jeet aapki soch,hogi jeet apki,thapki pyar ki full episodes,jeet aapki audiobook in hindi,jeet aapki motivational video #motivation #success #audiobook #motivationalspeaker #audiobooksfree #motivationalvideos #jeetapki #youcanwin #jeetaapki #shivkheramotivational thanks for watching....