Why You DON'T WIN More & Should Use This MID GAME MACRO Trick! 😱 (Fix Mid/Late Game Mistakes)

Why You DON'T WIN More & Should Use This MID GAME MACRO Trick! 😱 (Fix Mid/Late Game Mistakes)

🟢 Make your mid game jungling problem free FOREVER: 3 easy steps to JG GAP like a Challenger!🟢 JUNGLE VIDEO COURSES FOR YOUR MMR: https://virkayu.gg/pages/memberships + 1 on 1 jungle coaching ALSO DOWNLOAD MY FREE IMPROVEMENT PDF (37 pages) along with Coaching VOD Library and more! 🟢 Gameplay Channel:    / virkayugameplay   🟢 Discord:   / discord   🟢 Stream:   / virkayu   Jungling Commandments:    • 10 Things ALL Junglers Must Do: The U...   Gain 1000 lp in 2 weeks!:    • This Jungler WON 25+ GAMES After ONE ...   Ultimate Early Game Guide:    • How To ACTUALLY Climb To Master In 30...   MVP JUNGLING WITH EVELYNN:    • Become The ULTIMATE Jungler By Being ...   Tips To Climb and Mistakes To Fix:    • 4 Bad Jungle Habits You MUST BREAK To...   Want to be the JG DIFF... the Jungle Gap? Every game? All the way until Challenger? This video will show you how to dominate the mid game with how to use herald, how to use macro, and how to close games! I am also a voice for Mobalytics! What would you like to see in the next lesson? Suggest a topic or champion in the comment section below! Thumbnail: Dawi Twitter : @S04Dawi Instagram : @knightsvow Youtube :    / @dawithumbnails   🔵 Become a member! :    / @virkayu   🔴 Donate: https://streamlabs.com/virkayu 🔴 I’m part of the official League of Legends Partner Program with Riot Games. You can read about the program here: https://partners.leagueoflegends.com/... #midgamejungleguide #jungleguide #midgame #leagueoflegendsseason13 #challengerjungleguide #season13jungleguide #junglediff #leagueoflegends #jungleguide #virkayu #tipsforclimbing Background music: Assorted tracks from epidemicsound.com __ Follow me on Twitter and Instagram:   / virkayu     / virkayu