How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your System?
You have a drug test on the calendar. How long will you need to prepare? Marijuana can linger in your body long after the high wears off. Marijuana can appear in your: Saliva for up to 72 hours Urine for a month or longer (if you’re a heavy user) Hair for up to 90 days Blood for up to 36 hours Breast milk for up to 6 weeks If you’re tempted to cheat your drug test results, ask yourself about your marijuana use. Are you really in control, or is it time to consider a treatment program? Learn more: https://bocarecoverycenter.com/addict... Connect with Boca Recovery Center: Website: https://bocarecoverycenter.com/... Phone: 1(855) 962-3301 Facebook: / bocarecoverycenter Instagram: / bocarecoverycenter LinkedIn: / bocarecoverycenter TikTok: / bocarecoverycenter YouTube: / bocarecoverycenter Twitter: / bocarecovcenter Pinterest: / bocarecoverycenter