Ten Signs your Bird HATES YOU
there are a lot of reasons why your bird may hate you and it's really up to you or even your vet to find out why and to take care of it but here are the most common reasons why your bird may hate and fear its owner you're disturbing your bird's sleep one of the best ways to make your bird hate you is disturbing its sleep at night while it's trying to get some rest birds are very sensitive creatures and they can get very annoyed and nervous if you bother them by turning on the lights 00:40 being too loud or even getting near their cage you're chasing and grabbing your bird i'm always coming back to this one chasing and grabbing a bird gives it the sense that you are a predator unless your bird is tamed and allows you to hold it never attempt to do so your bird is traumatized your bird may be traumatized from the pet store or a previous owner whether it be a person handling it and properly in the past grabbing it or even clipping its wings all of those things can affect your bird's behavior towards 01:17 you in the present you're not spending time with your bird . it's pretty obvious that not spending enough time with your bird causes it to lose its trust in you and not being used to your presence and that's one of the reasons why your bird may not love you or even hate you you're bothering your bird not spending enough time with your bird is bad but spending too much time with your bird and bothering it is also not very good birds are just like humans they need space to breathe too 01:56 so you should pay attention to when your bird is starting to get fed up with you and given it some time to mind its own business your bird is molting when the time comes and your bird is starting to grow pin feathers it might be in pain and discomfort and can become less friendly and more aggressive so do your best to make it as comfortable as possible by giving it baths and not bothering it as much as usual your bird is too bored sometimes your bird might seem to hate you and become aggressive because it's 02:28 feeling bored inside the cage so make sure your bird has a big cage with plenty of toys to unload its aggression on and of course let your bird spend most of its day outside of its cage too you're punishing your bird having a bird that bites or yells all day isn't easy especially if it's a big one but experts found that punishing a bird doesn't seem to improve its behavior but it actually does the opposite if you punish your bird it gets the attention at once and next time it will repeat its bad 03:02 behavior you are forcing your bird no one likes to be touched unwillingly or have random foods get shoved into their mouths including birds never attempt forcing your bird to do things that it signals it's not comfortable with doing it's just your bird's personality whether you like it or not birds have different personalities and some birds may just be less friendly and more aggressive than others if your bird is like that it doesn't necessarily mean that it hates you but just that it requires a different