24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME || PART 02 || 15.09.2024 || Year B || Fr. B. MANOJ

24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME || PART 02 || 15.09.2024 || Year B || Fr. B. MANOJ

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Sermon 02 | 15.09.2024 | Year B | Fr. B. Manoj In this second sermon for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. B. Manoj delves into the heart of Christian discipleship. Focusing on Mark 8:27-35, he emphasizes the contrast between worldly expectations and Jesus’ call to take up the cross. Fr. Manoj explains how true discipleship demands a willingness to let go of personal ambitions and embrace a life of service, sacrifice, and love. Through engaging reflections, he invites the congregation to reconsider their priorities and align their lives with the self-giving love that Jesus models, encouraging a deeper walk of faith.