Opening to X-Men 2 2003 VHS

Opening to X-Men 2 2003 VHS

Here’s the order 1. Warning Scroll 2. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment Logo 3. Daredevil Trailer 4. Phonebooth Trailer 5. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Trailer 6. Stay Tuned screen 7. M Rated Screen 8. Feature Presentation Bumper 9. 20th Century Fox logo 10. Marvel logo 11. Start of the film That’s all I don’t own any logos, symbols, or any form of media shown in this video. Please respect their original respectful owners. No copyright infringement intended. DO NOT COPY, REPORT, BLOCK, OR STEAL! FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. No copyright infringement intended. (Fair Use) All content belongs to their respective owners. @ 2023 Freegoattt. All Rights Reserved.