How to Quickly improve your IELTS score

How to Quickly improve your IELTS score

🥇 IELTS Speaking Course: 💥 Start my IELTS Courses for FREE: This lesson shows you how to identify the common mistakes that you are likely to make using ChatGPT. Here are the prompts. 1. What are the top 10 most common mistakes that ______ speakers make in English at IELTS Band __ level? 2. Show me a list of false friends for _______ speakers who are learning English. 3. Can you put this in a quiz with one question at a time? 4. Show me all the questions that I got incorrect. 00:00 Introduction 01:41 Find your mistakes 02:50 Learn the False Friends 03:32 Noticing 04:18 Spaced repetition