How Speaker Make Sound | How Do Speaker Work - 3D Animation

How Speaker Make Sound | How Do Speaker Work - 3D Animation

How Speaker Make Sound | How Do Speaker Work - 3D Animation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Learn 3D Animation Beginner to Expert Level - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KukuFM link - Coupon Code - LDA50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Video:- Speaker is a transducer that converts an electric signal into a sound signal. The speaker's diaphragm moves according to the sound signal and exerts pressure on the air particle this air particle travels in the air and reaches our ears and we hear the sound. There is a voice coil behind the diaphragm which makes the diaphragm move up and down. In this video, the work of the speaker is explained with the help of 3D animation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- topic covered in this video:- How speaker make sound How does a speaker work Speaker working principle Speaker working animation Speaker voice coil working speaker working 3d animation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference video:- Electric motor working -    • How Electric Motor Work - 3D Animation   Permanent magnet vs temporary magnet -    • Why Do Magnets Attract And Repel || H...   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact me:- Facebook -   / lifeada2.0   Instagram -   / life_ada2.0   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Me -: Name - Harish Qualification : Electrical & Computer Engineer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your learning tells your quality, improve your learning with LifeAda your quality will definitely improve.