Wildflower - Yung Kai (lyrics)

Wildflower - Yung Kai (lyrics)

Wildflower yung kai lyrics yung kai wildflower Wildflower Yung Kai Lyrics Breakdown, Yung Kai Wildflower Meaning Explained, Wildflower Yung Kai Lyrics Interpretation, Yung Kai Wildflower Song Review, Wildflower Lyric Analysis Yung Kai, Yung Kai Wildflower Music Video Reaction, Wildflower Yung Kai Acoustic Cover, Yung Kai Wildflower Behind The Scenes, Wildflower Yung Kai Fan Theories, Yung Kai Wildflower Live Performance Lyrics: Like a wildflower So many colors but not enough, to picture your smile Make it never fade, it can make my day Just wait, oh I can be your love, your sunlight So keep your eyes on me, on me Dance to the daisies or any flower Or stand there and I can't tell you apart I'll be rain for you even on sunny days So paint my world with your colors Let's lie in the sun, for hours and hours Til the day goes by and though We might not be forever, just hold my hand anyways Let's bloom in ways where we can touch the stars Even though they're far But if you wanna stay then I'll stay with you Dance to the daisies or any flower Or stand there and I can't tell you apart I'll be rain for you even on sunny days So paint my world with your colors #yungkai #wildflower #songs #music #yungkai #wildflower-yungkai(lyrics) #wildfloweryungkailyrics #wildfloweryungkailyricskaraoke #wildfloweryungkailyricsterjemahan #wildfloweryungkailyricsespañol #wildfloweryungkaislowedlyrics #wildfloweryungkaispeduplyrics #yungkaiwildflowerlyricsmmsub #wildflowersonglyricsyungkai #wildflower-yungkai #tophits #blue #yungkai