Is it Possible To Remove Tartar At Home
Let's talk about WHY it's NOT safe to attempt tartar removal yourself at-home, and HOW to properly remove plaque (since plaque IS what should be getting removed daily)! Learn more: https://www.teethtalkgirl.com/dental-... 🦷 Free Oral Health Routine Guide: https://bit.ly/free-oral-hygiene-rout... 🦷 Low Cost Dental Care: https://www.teethtalkgirl.com/dental-... ▶ VIDEOS MENTIONED: ∙plaque vs tartar: • Plaque vs. Tartar | How To Remove Pla... ∙electric vs manual toothbrush: • Electric vs. Manual Toothbrush | Are ... ∙how to prevent lower front teeth buildup: • How to Prevent Buildup on Bottom Fron... ∙how to clean far back molars: • How To Reach Your Farthest Back Molars ∙flossing alternatives: • Do You Really Need To Floss Your Teet... ∙scaling teeth at-home: • Scaling Your OWN Teeth At Home? Here ... ▶ WANT EVEN MORE TEETH TALK? ∙VISIT MY WEBSITE: https://teethtalkgirl.com ∙SHOP Happy Teeth! https://givehappyteeth.com/ ▶ HELP KEEP THIS CONTENT FREE - Join Patreon: / teethtalkgirl Join this channel: / @teethtalk AND FOLLOW MY SOCIAL MEDIA :) ▶ INSTAGRAM: / teethtalkgirl @TeethTalkGirl ▶ FACEBOOK: / teethtalkgirl @TeethTalkGirl ▶ TWITTER: / teethtalkgirl @TeethTalkGirl ▶ BACKGROUND MUSIC: artlist.io #dentist #tartar **This video does not provide medical advice and is intended for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your dentist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or dental condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or seen on social media.** ✌ P E A C E ♥ L O V E ☺ T E E T H ☺