Learn SILENT NIGHT (melody & chords) - EASY GUITAR tutorial

Learn SILENT NIGHT (melody & chords) - EASY GUITAR tutorial

Today we learn Silent Night in this easy guitar tutorial. A beautiful song and melody for this time of year. Download tab - melody & rhythm charts: https://jobywaterguitartuition.com/pr... I have split the lesson into 2. The first part we learn the simple melody. This is suitable for beginners and above playing single notes. In the second part we play the 4 chords in the song and learn a simple strumming pattern. We are in the Key of C. Using the chords C F G & Am. The song is in 3/4 so we’ll be doing a simple ‘down strums’ pattern to sing along to. I have included tab, chord boxes and rhythm charts. Enjoy! Chapters: 0:00 intro, key, chords 0:26 Melody play through 1:11 fingering tips and best practice 1:58 melody breakdown (with tab) 5:32 play through (slower) 6:33 chords (with boxes) 7:05 rhythm & chords play through (with chart) 8:23 sing & play through (capo on fret 2) 👉SUPPORT MY WORK - https://jobywaterguitartuition.com/pr... 🎸PDF DOWNLOADS -https://jobywaterguitartuition.com/gu... 🎸BOOK A ONE TO ONE WITH ME - https://jobywaterguitartuition.com/ 🤓REGULAR BLOGS - https://jobywaterguitartuition.com/blog/ I have played a variety of guitar styles since I was inspired by Nirvana and GnR in the 90s. I have been involved in countless bands and projects over the years and have been teaching guitar since 2002 and full time since 2012. I work with and have worked with a vast range of learners face to face and online. Online is an excellent and very effective way to learn guitar if you have the right teacher. Gear: Taylor 214ce Fender pro lead Positive Grid Spark 40 Dunlop nylon .60 pick iPhone 14 Røde Smart Lav+ #silentnightguitartutorial #Easychristmassongsguitar #Jobywaterguitartuition #Learnsilentnightguitar #christmassongs #guitarlessonsforbeginners #howtoplaysilentnightonguitar #silentnightguitar #silentnightguitarchords #silentnightguitareasy #silentnightguitarlesson #silentnightguitarlessoneasy #silentnightguitartabs #silentnightguitartutorialeasy #Christmassongsguitartutorial