Morning Prayer & Rosary - Monday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time

Morning Prayer & Rosary - Monday, 20th Week in Ordinary Time

Monday, 8:00am Morning Prayer/Laudes & 8:30am Rosary/Rosario 20th Week in Ordinary Time / 20 Semana del tiempo ordinario ---------------- LIVE STREAMS AT   / posts      • Morning Prayer & Rosary - Monday, 20t...   Interactive ZOOM - (Not recorded) Opening Prayer ( Monday Morning Prayer - Invitatory Ps 24, Psalter: Monday, Week IV Hymn "O Lavish Giver of the Light" (divine ---------------- Rosary without Reflections / El rosario sin refleciones Prayer to St. Joseph ( Prayer for priests - ---------------- Please consider a free will offering! Notice: LIVE recordings remain available, unedited. You may experience silent audio segments, extra background noises, and/or commentary or conversation.