The Wheels on the Bus - Animal Sounds Song | Nursery Rhymes Compilation from Dave and Ava

The Wheels on the Bus - Animal Sounds Song | Nursery Rhymes Compilation from Dave and Ava

📲 Download Dave and Ava's App for iOS ► and Android ► The Wheels on the Bus – Animal Sounds Song - a fun nursery rhyme for kids about the sounds that the animals make. 🎶 Subscribe now for new videos - 🎺 Watch our 90-minute collection of non-stop nursery rhymes at    • Finger Family Song | Nursery Rhymes a...   If you like this video, share it    • The Wheels on the Bus - Animal Sounds...   Wheels on the Bus – Animal Sounds Song - join Dave, Ava, and farm animals in their thrilling ride around the farm. The wheels on the bus go round and round! Sing along to this classic nursery rhyme with your little ones. “Wheels on the Bus – Animal Sounds Song” provides an excellent opportunity to learn and practice the animal names and their sounds. Go to your favorite Nursery Rhyme by selecting a title below: 00:20 Wheels on the Bus – Animal Sounds Song 03:53 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes 05:38 If You`re Happy and You Know It 07:34 Itsy Bitsy Spider 09:56 Five Little Ducks 12:38 Old MacDonald Had a Farm 15:30 Johny Johny Yes Papa 17:42 Finger Family 20:42 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive 22:35 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed 24:49 Hickory Dickory Dock 27:41 Miss Polly Had a Dolly 30:29 Wheels on the Bus 33:11 Baa Baa Black Sheep 36:09 Jingle Bells 37:55 ABC song 39:49 The Phonics Song 42:22 We Wish You a Merry Christmas 44:20 Ten in the Bed Watch another Nursery Rhymes Collection from Dave and Ava: Wheels on the Bus -    • Wheels on the Bus | Nursery Rhymes Co...   Finger Family Song -    • Finger Family Song | Nursery Rhymes a...   Ten in the Bed -    • Ten in the Bed | Number Song | Nurser...   Johny Johny Yes Papa -    • Johny Johny Yes Papa | Nursery Rhymes...   ABC Song -    • 😀 ABC Song | Nursery Rhymes and Baby ...   Please share your feedback:   / daveandavatv     / daveandava      / daveandava   Traditional. Arranged and adapted by Dave and Ava LTD © 2016. All rights reserved.